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Chapter 681 Crazy Hookup With Camp Counsellor:>>Ep9

  • The Monday of the second week, Craig decided to start the fresh group of kids shooting from the prone position, where the shooter lies on his or her belly and braces the rifle on the ground. It is far and away the most stable position and the kids should've been the most accurate with it. We had skipped it entirely the first week because we had so many kids who had shot at camp before. This week, we had lots of noobs. Elaine and I traded off demonstrating at the start of each period in the morning, me, then her, then me again. But in the afternoon, Craig had me do the demo all three periods. It was unusual, but hey, more rounds for me, right?
  • The next day, Craig announced he had been dissatisfied with the efforts of the day before, and we would stick with prone. This wasn't unusual. Craig was often dissatisfied with people's efforts... What was unusual was that Craig again had me demonstrate prone position all three morning periods.
  • Elaine had been a little jealous the previous afternoon, but now she was genuinely pissed. After the third period, Craig would always lock up the guns securely, then hop in his truck and go eat lunch at the diner in the nearby town where his girlfriend worked. Elaine and I helped with putting away the rifles, then once he was gone, we policed the brass from the area, and would then head back to the chow hall for lunch.
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